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This set of picture cards is printed on white card stock. Each card is 8.5 inches wide and 11 inches tall. Each card includes a picture of a Spanish alphabet character, the letter(s) used to represent the character’s sound in print, and the words to the character’s song. These cards are easy to hold up for the students to view when singing a character’s song or listening to the character’s story.

Animated-Literacy™ Products:

Spanish Animated-Alphabet™ Black Line Picture Cards

More »»»Products_-Spanish_Edition_Half_Size_Picture_Cards.html

Item #8B


27 Cards

Spanish Animated Alphabet™ HandbookProducts_-Spanish_Edition_Handbook.html
Spanish Read-Along Sing-Along BookProducts_-Spanish_Edition_Read-Along_Sing-Along_Book.html
Spanish Flash CardsProducts_-Spanish_Edition_Flash_Cards.html
Spanish Picture Cards
Spanish MusicProducts_-Spanish_Edition_Music.html
English ProductsProducts_-Story_Song_%26_Action_Book.html