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    The drawing component of Animated-Literacy™ provides systematic phonics instruction and decodable words through a sequence of guided drawing and labeling lessons.  The lessons begin after only two Animated-Alphabet™ characters, sounds, and letters have been introduced.  After learning the sounds and gestures for Polly Panda and Uncle Upton, students draw and label a “pup.”  Segmentation, letter recognition, decoding, and printing skills are developed as students listen for the sounds in pup, gesture and say each sound, and print the word, pup.  Students then blend the sounds to decode and read the words, up and pup.  Sequential instruction continues as short “o” is introduced and students draw and label a “pop,” followed by the introduction of “m” and the drawing and labeling of a “mom.” 

Animated-Literacy™ Products:

Draw To Read And Write Book

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Pattern Reading, Writing, & Singing BookProducts_-Pattern_Reading_Writing_%26_Singing.html
Story, Song & Action BookProducts_-Story_Song_%26_Action_Book.html
Draw to Read & Write Book
Read-Along Sing-Along BookProducts_-Read-Along_Sing-Along_Book.html
Songs & Stories to ReadProducts_-Book_of_Songs_%26_Stories_to_Read.html
Beginning WorkbookProducts_-Beginning_Workbook_of_Fluency_Comprehension_%26_Word_Recognition_Activities.html
Advanced WorkbookProducts_-Advanced_Workbook_of_Fluency_Comprehension_%26_Word_Recognition_Activities.html
Printing BooksProducts_-Printing_Drawing_%26_Labeling_Books.html
Flash CardsProducts_-Flash_Cards.html
Picture CardsProducts_-Picture_Cards.html
Printable PDFsProducts_-Printable_Picture_Cards_PDFs.html
Manipulative HandbookProducts_-Manipulative_Handbook.html
Spanish EditionProducts_-Spanish_Edition_Handbook.html
Picture Book Products_-Picture_Book.html
Mini Picture Book Products_-Mini_Picture_Book.html
Sequence CardsProducts_-Sequence_Cards.html
Puppet BookProducts_-Puppet_Book.html
Tote Bag of ManipulativesProducts_-Tote_Bag_of_Manipulatives.html