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  As soon as students become successful at drawing and labeling pictures with one word, they begin to label the parts of each picture. This process provides many opportunities for teaching encoding, decoding, and word recognition while continuing to reinforce visualization and comprehension.

     When learning to speak, toddlers move from one word speech to phrases once they can produce about 50 spoken words. Animated-Literacy™ follows this same progression. As soon as students have experienced success at reading and writing single word labels, they begin forming phrases by using adjectives, verbs, and adverbs to describe their drawings and name actions that the objects depicted in their drawings might perform. Vocabulary charts are formed from a list of specialized books that is provided in The Draw To Read And Write Book. After reading a book to the class, charts of selected vocabulary words from the book can be displayed and used in the labeling process.

Advanced Labeling & Vocabulary Development:

More »»»Advanced_Labeling_Vocabulary_Development_pg2.html
Phonological AwarenessPhonological_Awareness.html
Phonics, Word Recognition, and ComprehensionPhonics_Word_Recognition_Comprehension.html
Vocabulary Development
Word Manipulation & ComprehensionWord_Manipulation_%26_Comprehension.html
Overview of Animated LiteracyAbout_Animated_Literacy.html
Cost, Sustainability, 
& FlexibilityCost_Sustainability_Flexibility.html
Lesson Plans 
& Teacher SupportLesson_Plans_Teacher_Support.html